Using Configuration

Some configuration values are available to provide the Javascript source environment or to automatically add options to the directives.

These configuration must be added to the Sphinx configuration file.

Using code source

Provide a path to the Javascript source code that will be analysed by champollion.parser:

js_source = "/path/to/code"

An environment will be generated when the builder-inited event is emitted.

It is also possible to provide several paths:

js_sources = ["/path/to/code1", "/path/to/code2"]

Using environment

Provide a Javascript environment dictionary which must be in the form of the champollion.parser.fetch_environment() returned value:

js_environment = {
    "module": {},
    "file": {}
    "class": {},
    "method": {},
    "attribute": {},
    "function": {},
    "data": {}

Using autoclass options

Provide a list of options to apply automatically for all autoclass directives:

js_class_options = ["members", "skip-constructor", "undoc-members"]

This configuration only accept the following boolean options:

  • members (When not used as a ‘white list’)
  • skip-constructor
  • skip-attribute-value
  • undoc-members
  • private-members
  • force-partial-import

Using automodule options

Provide a list of options to apply automatically for all automodule directives:

js_module_options = ["undoc-members", "private-members"]

This configuration only accept the following boolean options:

  • members (When not used as a ‘white list’)
  • skip-description
  • skip-data-value
  • skip-attribute-value
  • undoc-members
  • private-members
  • force-partial-import