Release Notes


31 May 2020
  • new

    directiveUpdated js:automodule to inherit from docutils.parsers.rst.Directive instead of sphinx.directives.Directive so it can work with Sphinx >= 1.8.


23 September 2018
  • fixed

    Excluded the Sphinx requirement version from 1.8 as Directive class is removed from the sphinx.directives module.


14 July 2018
  • new

    directiveAdded :skip-value: option to the js:autodata directive to prevent displayed the data value.

  • new

    directiveAdded :skip-value: option to the js:autoattribute directive to prevent displayed the attribute value.

  • new

    directiveAdded :skip-attribute-value: option to the js:autoclass directive to prevent displayed all attribute values within the class.

  • new

    directiveAdded :skip-attribute-value: option to the js:automodule directive to prevent displayed all attribute values within the module.

  • new

    directiveAdded :skip-data-value: option to the js:automodule directive to prevent displayed all data values within the module.


6 July 2018
  • fixed

    Fixed package version issue.


6 July 2018
  • fixed

    unit-testsUpdated Travis configuration to run unit-tests for Python 3.6.


6 July 2018
  • new

    configurationAdded js_sources global configuration value which can contains several paths to Javascript source codes to parse.

  • fixed

    javascript-parserFixed champollion.parser.helper.get_docstring() to ensure that a docstring is not associated with an element when too many blank lines separate the docstring from the function.


3 July 2017
  • new

    javascript-parserAdded champollion.parser.js_file.fetch_file_description() to return description included in the docstring defined at the very beginning of the file.

  • changed

    javascript-parserUpdated champollion.parser.js_file.fetch_environment() to include the file description in the environment.

  • new

    directiveUpdated js:automodule to display the module description.

  • new

    directiveAdded :members: option to the js:automodule directive to provide a way to document all or part of the members contained within a class.


    This option can be set automatically via the js_module_options configuration


    By default, only the description of the module will be displayed.

  • new

    directiveAdded :skip-description: option to the js:automodule directive to provide a way to skip the module description.


    This option can be set automatically via the js_module_options configuration

  • new

    javascript-parserAdded module path to the module environment returned by champollion.parser.js_module.fetch_environment()

  • changed

    directiveUpdated all directives to use the module path when displaying the import statement:

    import {Element} from "example/module"
  • new

    directiveAdded :module-path-alias: options to all directives to modify the path of the module from the element to display.

  • fixed

    javascript-parserUpdated the regular expression in the data parser to recognize values spread over several lines:

    const DATA = {
        key1: 'value1',
        key2: 'value2',
        key3: 'value3',


    This update requires that all documented data statements end with a semi-colon.

  • fixed

    javascript-parserUpdated the regular expression in the attribute parser to recognize values spread over several lines:

    class AwesomeClass {
        static DATA = {
            key1: 'value1',
            key2: 'value2',
            key3: 'value3',


    This update requires that all documented attribute statements end with a semi-colon.

  • fixed

    javascript-parserUpdated the regular expressions in the method parser to recognize arguments spread over several lines:

    class AwesomeClass {
        ) {
            console.log('Hello World')


29 June 2017
  • fixed

    Updated the Sphinx dependency version to 1.6.2 as module and method directives where missing from the Javascript domain in older versions.

  • changed

    Updated pytest dependency version to 3.0.0


25 June 2017
  • fixed

    Added PyPi and RTD badges to the README page


25 June 2017
  • new

    configurationAdded js_module_options global configuration value which contains a list of class directive boolean option activated by default.

    js_module_options=['undoc-members', 'private-members']
  • new

    documentationAdded configuration documentation.


14 June 2017
  • fixed

    directiveEnsured that each element documented can be targeted by the standard Javascript roles

  • changed

    javascript-parserAdded js_environment global configuration value which will be filled automatically from the js_source global configuration via the champollion.parser if not provided.

    This ensure that the documentation is rebuilt when the source code is modified.


11 June 2017
  • fixed

    Removed implicit relative imports within packages for compatibility with Python 3.


11 June 2017
  • new

    javascript-parserAdded champollion.parser.js_file.fetch_import_environment() to fetch elements imported from different modules if possible:

    import {element as alias} from "./module"
    import * from "./module"
  • new

    javascript-parserAdded champollion.parser.js_file.fetch_export_environment() to fetch elements exported from different modules if possible:

    export {element as alias} from "./module"
    export * from "./module"
  • new

    javascript-parserAdded champollion.parser.js_file.update_from_exported_elements() to regroup the exported element within a file environment if possible.

  • new

    directiveAdded :alias: options to all directives (except js:automodule ) to modify the name of the element to display.

  • new

    directiveAdded :module-alias: options to all directives to modify the name of the module from the element to display.

  • new

    directiveAdded :force-partial-import: options to all directives to force the display of partial import if the element is exported. On the js:automodule, this options is applied to all nested elements.

  • new

    javascript-parserAdded more unit tests for champollion.parser

  • fixed

    javascript-parserFixed class parser to recognize class expression assigned to let and var variables.


7 June 2017


7 June 2017


6 June 2017


5 June 2017
  • new

    directiveAdded AutoModuleDirective directive to generate the documentation from a module id representing a module (a file name without the ‘.js’ extension or a directory with an ‘index.js’ file) parsed within the Javascript source code.

  • new

    directiveAdded :undoc-members: option to the js:automodule directive to provide a way to document the module members without docstrings.

  • new

    directiveAdded :private-members: option to the js:automodule directive to provide a way to document the private module members.

  • new

    documentationAdded usage documentation.

  • fixed

    documentationFix the zipball link in the installation documentation.


4 June 2017
  • new

    directiveAdded :members: option to the js:autoclass directive to provide a way to document all or part of the members contained within a class.

  • new

    directiveAdded :skip-constructor: option to the js:autoclass directive to provide a way to filter a class constructor in the documentation generated.

  • new

    directiveAdded :undoc-members: option to the js:autoclass directive to provide a way to document the class members without docstrings.

  • new

    directiveAdded :private-members: option to the js:autoclass directive to provide a way to document the private class members.

  • new

    configurationAdded js_class_options global configuration value which contains a list of class directive boolean option activated by default.

    js_class_options=['members', 'undoc-members']


3 June 2017