Source code for champollion.parser.js_file

# :coding: utf-8

import os
import re

from .js_class import fetch_environment as fetch_class_environment
from .js_function import fetch_environment as fetch_function_environment
from .js_data import fetch_environment as fetch_data_environment

from .helper import get_docstring, filter_comments

#: Regular Expression pattern for imported element
    r"(?P<start_regex>(\n|^)) *import +"
    r" +from +['\"](?P<module>[\w/.\\_-]+)['\"];?"

#: Regular Expression pattern for exported element
    r"(?P<start_regex>(\n|^)) *export +(?P<default>default +)?"
    r" +from +['\"](?P<module>[\w/.\\_-]+)['\"]|"

#: Regular Expression pattern for binding element
    r"^(?P<name>(\w+|\*))( +as +(?P<alias>\w+))?;?$"

#: Regular Expression pattern for file docstring
_FILE_DOCSTRING_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^/\*\*.*?\*/(?=\n\n)", re.DOTALL)

[docs]def fetch_environment(file_path, file_id, module_id): """Return file environment dictionary from *file_path*. *file_id* represent the identifier of the file. *module_id* represent the identifier of the module. Update the *environment* if available and return it as-is if the file is not readable. The environment is in the form of:: { "id": "module/test/index.js", "module_id": "module.test", "name": "index.js", "path": "/path/to/module/test/index.js", "content": "'use strict'\\n\\n...", "description": "File description", "export": { "module.test.exported_element": { "id": "module.test.exported_element", "module": "module.test.from_module", "description": "An exported element", ... }, ... }, "import": { "module.test.imported_element": { "id": "module.test.imported_element", "module": "module.test.from_module", ... }, ... }, "class": { "class_id": { "id": "class_id", "module_id": "module_id" "description": "A class." ... }, ... }, "data": { "data_id": { "id": "data_id", "module_id": "module_id", "description": "A variable." ... }, ... }, "function": { "function_id": { "id": "function_id", "module_id": "module_id", "description": "A function." ... }, ... } } """ try: with open(file_path, "r") as f: content = except (IOError, OSError): return environment = { "id": file_id, "module_id": module_id, "name": os.path.basename(file_path), "path": file_path, "content": content, "description": fetch_file_description(content), "export": fetch_export_environment(content, module_id), "import": fetch_import_environment(content, module_id), "class": {}, "data": {}, "function": {} } for _env_id, _env in fetch_class_environment(content, module_id).items(): update_from_exported_elements(_env, environment["export"]) environment["class"][_env_id] = _env for _env_id, _env in fetch_function_environment(content, module_id).items(): update_from_exported_elements(_env, environment["export"]) environment["function"][_env_id] = _env for _env_id, _env in fetch_data_environment(content, module_id).items(): update_from_exported_elements(_env, environment["export"]) environment["data"][_env_id] = _env return environment
[docs]def fetch_file_description(content): """Return file description from *content*. The description must be in a docstring which should be defined at the very beginning of the file. It can only be preceded by one line comments. It must be in the form of:: /** * File description. * * A detailed description of the file. * */ Return None if no description is available. """ content = filter_comments(content, filter_multiline_comment=False).strip() match = if match is None: return docstring_content =[3:-2].strip() # If the entire docstring fit in one line if"\n") == 0: return docstring_content docstring = [] for line in docstring_content.split("\n"): line = line.strip() # Valid docstring line starts with a '*' if"^\*( *| +.+)$", line) is not None: indentation = 2 if len(line) > 1 else 1 docstring.append(line[indentation:].rstrip()) # Error in the docstring else: return return "\n".join(docstring)
[docs]def update_from_exported_elements(environment, export_environment): """Update *environment* with exported elements from *export_environment*. For instance, the element environment might not be exported, but an exported element is found that can be linked to this element. .. code-block:: js // Element in the environment function doSomething(arg1, arg2) { console.log("Hello World") } // Element in the export environment export {doSomething}; In the example above, the function `doSomething` is previously fetched without the exported attribute, so it will be added to it. The entry will then be removed from the *export_environment*. .. warning:: Both input environments are mutated. """ env_id = environment["id"] # Update the environment from exported environment if necessary if env_id in export_environment.keys() and not environment["exported"]: expression_environment = export_environment[env_id] environment["exported"] = True environment["default"] = expression_environment["default"] if environment["description"] is None: environment["description"] = ( expression_environment["description"] ) # Once the environment is updated, we can remove the key from the # exported environment to prevent displaying it twice. del export_environment[env_id]
[docs]def fetch_import_environment(content, module_id): """Return import environment dictionary from *content*. *module_id* represent the identifier of the module. The environment is in the form of:: { "module.test.imported_element": { "id": "module.test.imported_element", "module": "module.test.from_module", "name": "imported_element", "alias": None, "partial": False }, ... } """ environment = {} wildcards_number = 0 module_path = module_id.replace(".", os.sep) for match in _IMPORTED_ELEMENT_PATTERN.finditer(content): from_module_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(module_path,"module")) ) from_module_id = from_module_path.replace(os.sep, ".") element_raw ="expression").replace("\n", "") _env, wildcards_number = _fetch_expression_environment( element_raw, module_id, from_module_id, wildcards_number=wildcards_number, environment=environment ) environment.update(_env) return environment
[docs]def fetch_export_environment(content, module_id): """Return export environment dictionary from *content*. *module_id* represent the identifier of the module. The environment is in the form of:: { "module.test.exported_element": { "id": "module.test.exported_element", "module": "module.test.from_module", "name": "exported_element", "alias": None, "partial": True, "description": None, "default": False, "line_number": 5, }, ... } """ environment = {} wildcards_number = 0 lines = content.split("\n") module_path = module_id.replace(".", os.sep) for match in _EXPORTED_ELEMENT_PATTERN.finditer(content): line_number = ( content[:match.start()].count("\n") +"start_regex").count("\n") + 1 ) from_module_id = None if"module") is not None: from_module_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(module_path,"module")) ) from_module_id = from_module_path.replace(os.sep, ".") expression ="expression_from_variable") if expression is None: expression ="expression_from_module") element_raw = expression.replace("\n", "") _env, wildcards_number = _fetch_expression_environment( element_raw, module_id, from_module_id, wildcards_number=wildcards_number, ) for _env_id, _sub_env in _env.items(): environment[_env_id] = { "description": get_docstring(line_number, lines), "line_number": line_number, "default":"default") is not None, } environment[_env_id].update(_sub_env) return environment
def _fetch_expression_environment( expression, module_id, from_module_id=None, environment=None, wildcards_number=0 ): """Return tuple with *expression* environment and updated *wildcards_number*. *module_id* represent the identifier of the module. *from_module_id* is the optional module identifier from which the expression can be resolved. Update the *environment* if available and return it as-is if the file is not readable. *wildcards_number* represent the number of `*` found as un-aliased binding. """ if environment is None: environment = {} # Parse partial expressions first for partial_match in re.finditer("{[^{}]+}", expression): binding_environments, wildcards_number = _fetch_binding_environment([1:-1], module_id, wildcards_number ) for _env in binding_environments: element_id = _env["id"] environment[element_id] = _env environment[element_id].update( {"partial": True, "module": from_module_id} ) # remove partial imports from expression expression = ( expression[:partial_match.start()] + " " * len( + expression[partial_match.end():] ) # Then parse the default expressions binding_environments, wildcards_number = _fetch_binding_environment( expression, module_id, wildcards_number ) for _env in binding_environments: element_id = _env["id"] environment[element_id] = _env environment[element_id].update( {"partial": False, "module": from_module_id} ) return environment, wildcards_number def _fetch_binding_environment(expression, module_id, wildcards_number=0): """Return tuple with list of binding environments from *expression* and updated *wildcards_number*. *module_id* represent the identifier of the module. *wildcards_number* represent the number of `*` found as un-aliased binding. Example:: expression = "Module1 as ModuleAlias, Module2" env = get_import_module_environment(expression, "test.module") The result would be:: { "test.module.ModuleAlias": { "id": "test.module.ModuleAlias", "name": "Module1", "alias": "ModuleAlias" }, "test.module.Module2": { "id": "test.module.ModuleAlias", "name": "Module2", "alias": None } } """ environments = [] for element in expression.split(","): _element = element.strip() if len(_element) == 0: continue match = _BINDING_ELEMENT_PATTERN.match(_element) if match is None: continue name ="name") alias ="alias") # Determine element ID if an alias is set element_id = alias if alias is not None else name if element_id == "*": wildcards_number += 1 element_id = "WILDCARD_{0}".format(wildcards_number) element_id = "{module}.{id}".format( module=module_id, id=element_id ) _module = { "id": element_id, "name": name, "alias": alias } environments.append(_module) return environments, wildcards_number