Source code for champollion.viewcode

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from sphinx import addnodes
from docutils import nodes
from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode

[docs]class ViewCode(object): """Helper class to display the code for each :term:`Javascript` module found and link it to the documentation. """ #: Store the modules elements to link to the code js_modules = None
[docs] @classmethod def create_code_pages(cls, app): """Create all code pages and the links to the documentation. This function is called with the ``html-collect-pages`` Sphinx event, emitted when the HTML builder is starting to write non-document pages. """ builder_env = app.builder.env if cls.js_modules is None: return module_env = app.config.js_environment["module"] file_env = app.config.js_environment["file"] highlighter = app.builder.highlighter uri = app.builder.get_relative_uri all_pages = [elt["pagename"] for elt in cls.js_modules.values()] for module_id, element in cls.js_modules.items(): file_id = module_env[module_id]["file_id"] page_name = element["pagename"] doc_name = element["docname"] if builder_env.config.highlight_language in ( "js", "default", "none" ): lexer = builder_env.config.highlight_language else: lexer = "js" highlighted = highlighter.highlight_block( file_env[file_id]["content"], lexer, linenos=False ) lines = highlighted.splitlines() for line_number, name in element["entries"].items(): link = uri(page_name, doc_name) + "#" + name lines[line_number-1] = ( "<div class='viewcode-block' id='{name}'>" "<a class='viewcode-back' href='{link}'>[docs]</a>" "{line}".format( name=name, link=link, line=lines[line_number-1] ) ) parents = [] for module_name in reversed(module_id.split(".")[:-1]): link_page = "_modules/{0}".format(module_name.replace(".", "/")) if link_page in all_pages: parents.append({ "link": uri(page_name, link_page), "title": module_name }) parents.append({ "link": uri(page_name, "_modules/index"), "title": "Code" }) parents.reverse() # putting it all together context = { "parents": parents, "title": module_id, "body": ( "<h1>Source code for {name}</h1>{content}".format( name=module_id, content="\n".join(lines) ) ), } yield page_name, context, "page.html" yield cls.create_code_page_index(app)
[docs] @classmethod def create_code_page_index(cls, app): """Create page index regrouping all code page links. """ if cls.js_modules is None: return body = ["\n<ul>"] for module_id in sorted(cls.js_modules.keys()): link_page = "_modules/{0}".format(module_id.replace(".", "/")) uri = app.builder.get_relative_uri body.append( "<li><a href='{link}'>{name}</a></li>\n".format( link=uri("_modules/index", link_page), name=module_id ) ) body.append("</ul>") context = { "title": "Overview: module code", "body": ( "<h1>All modules for which code is available</h1>{0}".format( "".join(body) ) ), } return "_modules/index", context, "page.html"